Audio Processing Graphs

Domain practitioners (e.g., musicians and audio engineers) sculpt and transform their sounds by combining multiple processors, forming an audio processing graph [LPPL23].

Audio processing graphs are everywhere — guitar pedalboards, modular synthesizers, and mixing consoles, to name a few. The popular JUCE framework has AudioProcessorGraph class. Web Audio API is also based on graphs. This ubiquitous structure is not just a coincidence; compositionality and modularity of processors are essential features that allow practitioners to create and control complex processing with ease.

Nevertheless, recent deep-learning methods for musical signal processing have overlooked this practice, assuming fixed processing chains or relying on end-to-end neural network-based methods. GRAFX aims to close this gap — it provides a collection of functionalities for creating, manipulating, and rendering audio processing graphs. Especially, it provides the following distinctive features.

  1. Our graphs can be converted into PyTorch tensor representations [P+19], which can be used for graph representation learning, i.e., as input of graph neural networks (GNNs) [FL19].

  2. We provide a collection of various differentiable audio processors, including equalizers, dynamic range compressors, reverb, and many more.

  3. We provide an efficient and flexible method for calculating output audio from graphs in GPU. Combined with the differentiable processors, we can optimize the graph structure and parameters (or their neural predictors) via gradient descent end-to-end [CR21, LMRL+24a, LPPL23].

This short series of introductions will share the core concepts of GRAFX. While it generally follows our paper [LMRL+24b], we extend the discussion to the latest updates and provide practical examples.

Definitions and Notations

Following the standard notation, we write an audio processing graph as \(G=(V, E)\) where \(V\) and \(E\) are the node and edge set, respectively.


Each node \(v_i \in V\) (\(i\) denotes a node index) can represent a processor \(f_i\). Each node has a type attribute \(t_i\), e.g., "reverb". It takes \(M\) signal(s) \(u_i[n]\) and a collection of parameters \(p_i\) as input and produces \(N\) output(s) \(y_i[n]\) (\(n\) denotes a time index).

\[ \underbrace{y^{(1)}_i[n], \cdots, y^{(N)}_i[n]}_{y_i[n]} = f(\underbrace{u^{(1)}_i[n], \cdots, u^{(M)}_i[n]}_{u_i[n]}, p). \]


Each edge \(e_{ij}\in E\) naturally represents a cable connecting two nodes, Each edge also requires a type attribute \(t_{ij}=(k, l)\), a tuple of input and output channel indices, unless every processor in a graph is a single-input single-output system (SISO), i.e., \(M=N=1\). Each input signal is decided by the connected edges, which can be written as follows,

\[ u_{i}^{(l)}[n] = \sum_{(j, k) \in \mathcal{N}^+(i, l)} y_{j}^{(k)}[n] \]

where \(\mathcal{N}^+(i, l)\) is a collection of nodes and channel indices that send their output signals to \(l^\mathrm{th}\) input of node \(i\). In short, each node’s outputs are computed by finding its inputs, aggregating those, and processing the sums with the parameters.

Graph Structure

We allow any directed acyclic multigraph as an audio processing graph. Directed means that the edges have directions, connecting the output of a source to the input of a destination. Acyclic means that are no cycles (or feedback loop) in the graph. Finally, multigraph means that multiple edges can exist between the same pair of nodes unless their types are identical. The following figure shows an example of a valid graph used in (different letters denote different node types) [LMRL+24a].


Crucially, the acyclic property allows us to compute the output audio by repeating the gather-aggregate-process over the entire nodes in topological order, from the inputs to the output (this is impossible if there is a cycle or feedback loop). Usually, we have \(K\) inputs and a single output. In such a case, the output signal can be written as

\[ y[n] = G(s_1[n], \cdots, s_K[n]; \mathbf{P}) \]

where \(s_k[n]\) is a source signal that corresponds to the \(k^\mathrm{th}\) "in" node and \(\mathbf{P}\) is a collection of all parameters in the graph. We can also write the signals as tensors, \(\mathbf{S} \in \mathbb{R}^{K\times C\times L}\) and \(\mathbf{Y} \in \mathbb{R}^{1\times C\times L}\), where \(K\), \(C\), and \(L\) are the number of sources, channels, and length, respectively. This simplifies the above equation to \(\mathbf{Y} = G(\mathbf{S}; \mathbf{P})\).

Creating Graphs

For creating and manipulating the audio processing graphs, we provide a mutable data structure GRAFX (same as the library name). It inherits MultiDiGraph class from networkx [HSS08] and provides additional functionalities, e.g., adding a serial chain of processors.

Node Configurations

Before creating a graph, we need to pre-define allowed processor types (and their additional configurations, if needed). This procedure is necessary when we use our tensor representation or compute the output audio of the graph. We provide a NodeConfigs class for this purpose. Suppose that we have three processor types, "eq", "compressor", and "reverb".

from import NodeConfigs
config = NodeConfigs(["eq", "compressor", "reverb"])

print(config) will give the following output.

NodeConfigs with 6 node types (siso_only=True)
  (0) in: None -> <main>
  (1) out: <main> -> None
  (2) mix: <main> -> <main>
  (3) eq: <main> -> <main>
  (4) compressor: <main> -> <main>
  (5) reverb: <main> -> <main>

With the outputs, we note the following.

  • Along with the processor types, auxiliary "in", "out", "mix" are also included by default.

  • The eq: <main> -> <main> denotes that the "eq" processor has a single input and output. The None denotes there is no input or output.

  • When the processors are provided as a list, they are all assumed to be SISO systems. To set up MIMO systems, provide a dict of types as keys and their inlet/outlet configurations as values.

An Empty Graph

First, we can create an empty graph the NodeConfigs.

from import GRAFX
G = GRAFX(config=config)

Here, print(G) will give the following output.

GRAFX with 0 nodes & 0 edges

Basic Operations

Then, we add an "out" node to the graph with the add method.

out_id = G.add("out")

The add returns the added node’s integer node ID, which can be used to access its attributes or connect to other nodes. Now print(G) will give the following.

GRAFX with 1 nodes & 0 edges
  [0] out

If we try to add a node type that is not provided to NodeConfig, it will raise an error. For example, if we try G.add("noisegate"),

Exception: Invalid node_type: noisegate, it only allows ['in', 'out', 'mix', 'eq', 'compressor', 'reverb'.

We can also add a serial chain of processors to the graph with add_serial_chain() method, which returns the ID of the start and end nodes. Other nodes can be accessed by the id in between. Also, we can connect the nodes with connect() method, providing the source and destination node IDs.

number_of_sources = 3
for _ in range(number_of_sources):
    chain = ["in", "eq", "compressor", "reverb"]
    start_id, end_id = G.add_serial_chain(chain)
    G.connect(end_id, out_id)

The above code will add three sources, each connected to an equalizer, compressor, and reverb in series. Them, their outputs, i.e., the reverb outputs, are connected to the output node. Now, our graph is as follows.

GRAFX with 13 nodes & 12 edges
  [0] out
  [1] in -> [2] eq
  [2] eq -> [3] compressor
  [3] compressor -> [4] reverb
  [4] reverb -> [0] out
  [5] in -> [6] eq
  [6] eq -> [7] compressor
  [7] compressor -> [8] reverb
  [8] reverb -> [0] out
  [9] in -> [10] eq
  [10] eq -> [11] compressor
  [11] compressor -> [12] reverb
  [12] reverb -> [0] out

Tensor Representations

Once the graphs are created, they can be used to compute output audio or fed into a GNN. In such cases, representing each graph as a collection of tensors is more convenient and efficient. Therefore, we provide a GRAFXTensor class, which is compatible with Data class from torch_geometric [FL19]. The processor types are assigned with integer values, The following are the tensors we use to describe each graph.

  1. A node type vector \(\mathbf{T}_V \in \mathbb{N}^{\left|V\right|}\). The mapping between the node type and its integer value is determined by the predefined NodeConfig object.

  2. An edge index tensor \(\mathbf{E} \in \mathbb{N}^{2\times\left|E\right|}\),

  3. (Optional) An edge type tensor \(\mathbf{T}_E \in \mathbb{N}^{2\times \left|E\right|}\) where \(\left|\cdot \right|\) denotes the size of a given set. Only used when the NodeConfigs contains MIMO processors.

  4. (Optional) A collection of all parameters in a dictionary \(\mathbf{P}\) (or any reasonable Mapping such as nn.ParameterDict) whose key is a node type \(t\) and value contains the parameters of that type.

We can obtain the tensors by converting the GRAFX graph with convert_to_tensor().

from import convert_to_tensor
G_t = convert_to_tensor(G)

Here, print(G_t) gives the followings,

  edge_indices=[2, 12],
  config=< object at 0x7ff43769c760>,

It contains node_types, edge_indices, and others that are useful for several purposes, e.g., computing output audio.

Processor Parameters

We further elaborate on the parameter dictionary \(\mathbf{P}\) as it is the most nontrivial part of our tensor representation. It has the dictionary type as each processor type can have a different set and number of parameters. All parameters of type \(t\) are collected to a dictionary value \(\mathbf{P}[t]\), which can be either a single tensor or a dictionary of tensors. When the latter case holds, \(\mathbf{P}\) becomes a nested dictionary. Every parameter tensor for type \(t\) must have a first dimension that has the number of nodes of that type \(|V_t|\). Also, each tensor follows the node ordering of the node type vector \(\mathbf{T}_V\). For example, parameters of a \(n^\mathrm{th}\) type-\(t\) node corresponds to \(n^\mathrm{th}\) element of each tensor in \(\mathbf{P}[t]\), i.e., \(\mathbf{P}[t][n]\) or \(\mathbf{P}[t][k][n]\) for all \(k\) where \(k\) is a key of the \(\mathbf{P}[t]\). This way, we can easily access the parameters of specific nodes of that type.

Note that, throughout the above example, we did not provide any parameter while adding the nodes. This is because one of our main applications is to estimate the parameters from some references by direct parameter optimization or training a neural network as a predictor. In this scenario, we only have the connectivity information \((\mathbf{T}_V, \mathbf{E}, \mathbf{T}_E)\), i.e., what is connected to what. A previous work [LPPL23] named it a prototype graph (and denoted with \(G_0\)). Many existing works assume that this prototype graph is given (fixed in many cases) and predict its parameters \(\mathbf{P}\) [CMS22, Col23, MRWSB21, SPPS21, U+24], Of course, there are a few exceptions where the connectivity is also estimated (albeit, in most cases, the underlying connectivity \(G_0\) is a simple serial chain) [GM23, LMRL+24a, LPPL23, MK21, YXT+23]. Refer to Appendix A of [LMRL+24a] for a comparative review on this matter. Throughout this series of posts, we will not distinguish the prototype from the full graph \((\mathbf{T}_V, \mathbf{E}, \mathbf{T}_E, \mathbf{P})\) as it is mostly clear from the context. More details on the parameters will be in the following posts on the processors and rendering.